Golden Lotus weighing scale and Measuring Equipment
Maybe just like you, at first we didn't have a darn clue about how to supply a good electronic scale, Golden Lotus MEC can help you and follow you in specific applications!
We wanted to build a website ( to start a side business, and felt overwhelmed, confused & scared about how to actually do it, which builder to use, and making wrong decisions. After years of trials & errors using different website builders, we're here to share with you.
What is news in new interface ?
Golden Lotus Weighing Scales can supply digital scales to fit any weighing application, including custom digital scale applications of any kind. We have floor scales, counting scales, gram scales, mini scales, micro, food, kitchen scales, diet, bathroom scales, pocket digital scales, weight, portable scales, electronic scales, lab, analytical, crane scales, precision scales, carat, jewelry, body fat, talking scales, gem, wholesale scales, baby scales, pet, medical scales, bench scales, specialty scales, shipping scales, postal scales, freight scales, pallet, postage scales, ohaus scales, Tanita Scales, Salter, Ashiba, vector scales, and Gram Precision scales to fit all your needs.
E-Commerce Online Store Builders Comparison Chart
Building an ecommerce online store? This comprehensive chart will show you the weighing solution, and which one works best for you!
Review 2015 – Easiest way for You to do business
Golden Lotus Weighing easiest website builder to use. It’s a painless way to build your business & has good flexibility.
* New 2015 up !