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Load cells

Load cells are the backbone of any scale or balance. The load cell is the part that receives the load and transmits the signal to the digital indicator to display the weight. Load cells are used in hopper scales, tank scales, and all other types of weighing equipment. We can provide full load cell systems. We carry hundreds of load cells and load cell types for all applications. Because there are so many options available, we have listed only a handful. If you do not find what you are looking for here.

Golden Lotus scale Cân điện tử - Electronic scale Load cells

Single point loadcell

Single point loadcell

Single point loadcell

Bending loadcell

Bending loadcell

Bending loadcell

S-beam loadcell

S-beam loadcell

S-beam loadcell

PanCake & Miniature

PanCake & Miniature

PanCake & Miniature

Truck and Tank loadcell

Truck and Tank loadcell

Truck and Tank loadcell

Special Application

Special Application

Special Application

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